Generac 6551 Generator Manual
Generac 6551 Generator Manual. View the Generac 6551 Generator manual. This is the owner manual for a Generac Guardian 22kW Aluminum Standby Generator System. This is Generacs first 22kW air cooled home standby generator and the largest air cooled generator on the market. No worries, it has a 5 year warranty. Generac also included all of the features and functionality a standby generator should have. A engine and alternator combination utilizes the latest in high tech powertrain technology. This feature also allows it to consume less fuel and have reduced noise levels. Included is a 200 Amp service entrance automatic transfer switch. It features load shedding. This allows you to manage two centrals ACs, and still have power to spare. You are viewing the manual and parts listings for the Generac 6551 Generator .